Friday 31 January 2014

Nausicaa -of the valley of the wind-

From what i can gleam from Nausicaa by Studio Ghibli on the subject of human nature is similar to what i have found other science fictions i have encountered (which i plan to discuss in my essay) That message seems to be that human nature at present is destructive and will lead to our demise if we do not evolve in the way we think and the way our mind as a species works. It says our nature can evolve, usually shown by the protagonists actions and their disposition but our current nature which while this part is fading is still one of violence and bloodshed.

One of the main focuses of the film involves the main character using a glider, this reflects her nature and how she is not a person of violent nature, one of the first things she does is save a man from a humugus bug via quelling its anger and bringing it back to the forest. She is then bitten by a scared creature to which she stays still does nothing and continues to try and clam it down to which it responds positively and licks her wounds. Her flying is a representation of her ascension from the old human nature and into a new more peaceful disposition.

There is more symbolic representation of that displayed early on in the film when a flying ship from another nation is plummeting to the ground and then crashes, the ship is built by (spoilers) a nation who are planning on resurrecting a great titan creature that where used on mass which caused the downfall of old human civilization, these creatures i feel represent our more violent primitive human nature since they destroyed the old society of man and the people who wish to bring them back to life wish to use them for violence and are the antagonists to Nausicaa.

 When Nausicaa is pushed to violence early on in the film when the antagonistic force first arises and kills one she cares for dearly she is stopped by a wise mentor character and when she realises what she has done she is horrified with herself, the sound of the blood dripping rings loud in her ears and she looks on in fear at what she has done.

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