Thursday 16 January 2014

Finally found a human nature/sci-fi essay

I found a brilliant essay which talks about human nature in sci-fi, it took a serious amount of searching, more than it should have really this is an interesting subject dammit why does no one seem to have written about it on the internet. But i digress the essay while being good does unfortunately require you to register with a site but it was a small price to pay to finally find an essay that deals with human nature in sci-fi i mean what the hell why does no one... sorry i digress again, what i was saying was the essay starts off talking about the female role in sci-fi and how feminist writers have made many books where there is a feminist utopia with equal rights. I know what you thinking "How on earth does this have anything to do with human nature Peter, it seems more like a cultural issue, you have gone completely mad, mad i say!" but hold your horses, you see one of those writers in her book had a post apocalyptic situation in which survives of the human race where picked up by these aliens known as Oankali and it says "They are both repelled and fascinated by the human genetic structure. from the perspective of these aliens, Humans are fundamentally flawed as they are both intelligent and hierarchical, a lethal combination in the eyes of the Oankali." suggesting that human nature is essentially flawed in sustaining a peaceful society.

The essay goes on to say that "Butler (The Author) believes that human nature is fundamentally violent and therefore flawed. The origin of violence, she suggests, lies in the human genetic structure, which is responsible for the contradictory impulses towards intelligence and hierarchy. These two conflicting impulses inevitably propel Humans to wage war." While i see where she is coming from and do agree that human nature is innately violent i would not call that a flaw, or something strictly Human for that matter. For any animal to gain the food chain dominance we have which allowed us to evolve to the point we are now we need to be an innately violent creature or else we would never have become dominant as we have, and I would bet you anything that if any other animal on our planet ended up gaining sentience they would be just as violent. Whether this would be the case on other planets with life remains to be seen, i have never visited one so I am definitely not qualified to make that assumption, though unless their energy intake is one of photosynthesis and there is no animals that feed on other animals and they reproduce a sexually so no resource limitation and therefore competition at all, then if a species from there gained sentience they would probably be extremely benign. Considering photosynthesis is energy derived from the sun so the higher the better, i would imagine they would have a thing about being tall though.

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