Wednesday 22 January 2014

Sound walk and concept image

For our sound module we went out to the barbican with a sound specialist named Matt Davis. The intention of the exercise was to try and see the world in a more audio sense rather than visual, and to try and capture sounds that didn't immediately identify as what they where captured from, capture more ambiguous sounds in a way, that where hard to discern there origin allowing you to bend the sounds meaning by pairing them with other sounds to make the context in which it is being played different to how it was recorded. This is how we have things such as, the Ring Wraith's screech in Lord of the Rings and the Tardis's distinctive... well I'm not sure how to write that sound but if your English you know what I mean. Those two sounds where a plastic cup and keys on a piano wire respectively so yeah, put in the context you see them you wouldn't guess that would you.

So we went out to get these sounds and also had access to (thanks to Matt Davis) two different sorts of mic, which I have to see have never seen the likes of before or since (when i say since I'm being a little over dramatic it has been a day since we went out there) he had a mic that recorded the vibrations through certain objects, for instance you could press it against, a metal creaky gate and get an extremely amazing sound of the metal that made it sound like the gate was one hundred foot tall. There was also a rather interesting mic that recorded electrical signals, for instance hold it up to a light or to a radio and it would make a very interesting sound usually akin to a lightsaber if i had to narrow it down.

We then mixed the sounds when we got back to the sound suit, we chose one sound from everyone who went on the little sound walk and then popped them together on a time line no other real editing and had an interesting (but to be honest rather unpleasant) little soundtrack of our own.

This all builds up towards our final soundscape. We will either be doing an animation then matching sound to that or doing sound and then matching an animation to that. I am probably going to do the animation first and then match the sound to it, mainly because ive already done a bit of the animation and have a reference image.

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