Wednesday 15 January 2014

Ident Personel Reflection

In the ident i felt that i did a reasonably good job but that isn't the important part. The important part is how much i learned, i previously had very little knowledge on how a studio would run but the project gave me what seemed like an extremely good insight and now i know what I'm getting into, despite... actually despite doesn't seem like the right word, its almost because of all the stress and hard work and looming deadlines but constant progression towards the final goal i really enjoyed myself and found it an extremely rewarding experience.

 Some of the people involved got a little awkward to work with, but that was towards the end and i think everyone was tired and a little grouchy. Though there was one or two people who were consistently unmotivated, didn't show up much and when they did didn't get much done, luckily that was a minority, but a minority in a group of nine can be a reasonable stress.

overall it went well despite the trials and tribulations and i was reasonably happy with what we produced. as one of the first things i actually did on the animation course it was a very good introductory eye opener and completely smashed my preconceived notions that animation was a solitary profession, like the paintings of old that involved sometimes hundreds of understudies only the one painter was acknowledged to maintain the romanticized image of the lone painter.

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