Wednesday 15 January 2014

Public Relations people

I have been looking up famous public relations people or at least ones that have done particularly interesting things and one of the bits that really caught my interest was the rather strange belife of one Eric Devenhall who believes "He is known for his belief that traditional crisis relations -- in which companies admit wrongdoing and try to "get ahead" of the problem -- is wrong.
Rather, he believes, companies should fight fire with fire." This wile sounding extremely... well for lack of a better phrase sounds like the behavior of a complete and total smeg head i imagine could work in certain situations... though i also imagine in other situations it could just land the company with even worse rep than if they just admitted the problem and tried to fix it instead of this advice, which would lead the company to looking like that idiot who stands their holding a blood covered knife with a body underneath them claiming they have no idea why they have a knife and that there isn't even a body underneath them and if there was those red holes don't even slightly resemble knife marks, there obviously an extremely bad reaction to a bee stings. So yeah not a standpoint that i personally agree with and not the sort of advice I'd be giving anyone as a PR person.

While i find the previous PR person's statement rather ridiculous this next person i found showed just how effective a good PR officer can be. Her name is Pam Edstrom and she has been the PR officer for Microsoft since they were just a one floor office with no fax machine. and article in PR weekly stated "Another American technology journalist claims Edstrom was instrumental in establishing the software giant as a media-savvy operation. ‘Microsoft has a more intelligent approach to PR than almost every large corporation of our era,' says David Kirkpatrick, senior editor at US
business magazine ­Fortune, who has known Edstrom for almost two decades" and that shows that a good PR person can be crucial to success.

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