Wednesday 15 January 2014

Studio Practice Change

Recently found out that i in fact cannot do editing for my studio practice role, which is a shame because editing was a good role and i had done research and was really getting into the idea but oh well it is not to do with the running of the studio so i must choose another.

I think i will go for Public relations officer as my new studio practice role (I am allowed to use editing for my research but i though hay i cant do it for my studio practice so might as well start looking into the role i have to do now)

I have researched towards Public relations officer and found one site that said this about what the role entails "
You could work in a company's in-house public relations (PR) department, or you might be an account executive at a consultancy that looks after PR for a number of clients. Your job could include:
  • planning PR campaigns and strategies
  • monitoring the public and media's opinion of your client or employer
  • writing and editing leaflets, brochures, press releases, speeches, newsletters, websites and social media
  • arranging and representing the company at events like press launches news conferences, exhibitions, open days and sponsorship
  • developing good working relationships with the media
  • arranging for advertising or promotional films to be produced
  • public speaking at presentations, conferences or radio and TV interviews.
You could also get involved with your local community to make sure that the company you work for is represented in a good light. This may include sponsoring corporate events or getting involved in fundraising for local charities."

The site goes on to say that the sorts of qualifications that will help you get a job as a PR officer are journalism or advertising, marketing and communications, business or management, English, politics. I happen to have a B grade GCSE in English... so yeah I'm almost overqualified right.

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