Tuesday 28 January 2014

Lucky Day Forever short sci-fi film


This is a Sci-Fi short animation that explores hierarchy and a grass is greener scenario and also a very interesting take on an image and sex obsessed society not too disimalar from the quintisential MTV style audiance.
I'm not entirely sure why but this strange future/alternate world got into my brain and unsettled me for a day or two and i think that the world which is created in this animation is meant to provoke that kind of emotional reaction.
While it's world isn't the most original concept ever, being most reminiscent of the sci-fi worlds created in the film Cloud Atlas it focuses on a slightly different subject and its overuse of joyous smiley faces and blunt sexual imagery made me feel like the world was real and that i was unnerved by its constantly smiling ego centric higher class species.

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