Wednesday 22 January 2014

Essay Writing

In contextual on Monday, Kim went through with us the specifics of qouting and paraphrasing. He then gave us a group of qoutes about television and violence, some saying there connected some saying the opposite. He asked us to do a small example of paraphrasing and this is what i came up with.
"Many people believe that TV violence causes real violence, either indirectly or directly. For instance Smythe reports (1998) in a court case a defence attorney tried to absolve his client by solely blaming television therefore taking all responsibility for the acts off of the person on trial.

This sort of behaviour disgusts me that a murderer could potentially get an easier sentence because the attorney blamed all wrong doings on the television saying “he had frequently watched violent TV shows and was therefore pushed into acting” (Smythe 1998:45). In contrast Martin writes in his case study in (1981) that there is no direct connection between violent images on television and violent behaviour in adolescence.

While Martin's case study would suggest no direct link between TV violence and the real thing, Fischer and Hoffman write (1990) Countries with high controls on television, like Sweden and Norway, have lower crime rates. Though this particular phenomenon could be contributed to other factors."

I do apologize for not writing down said quotes it slipped my mind, would of definitely made a more interesting experiment if you could have seen the quotes from which my paraphrases where derived.

Nope i looked on the PCA moodle to see if the quotes where up on there and they are not unfortunately, oh well you can't have everything. Kim also set us a task to write 1200 words of our contextual essay as a first draft by the 10th of February so i will be getting on with that soon.

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