Wednesday 8 January 2014

Contextual question 2

Still doing research, i recently found out that the population crisis (there is a bit of a population crisis in Japan at the moment by the way) is starting to be covered or at least the deeper meaning of it is leaking into the ideas and themes of anime’s and manga that are currently being made. I don’t know of the validity of that claim, it was made by a friend not from any super reputable source but they seem reliable and what i have read so far would lend that to be a distinct possibility with Japan injecting their cultural messages heavily into anime (also no matter what person is making a story, while obviously the individual brings there own personal prejudices and ideals into that world the prejudices and ideals ingrained into them by growing up in a certain culture will always shape their inner psyche and hence their stories) so that would make a lot of sense, need to look into it further.

I am currently reading an essay supposedly to do with Japan getting western culture imposed onto it then taking it and making it into something there very own, though so far all they have talked about is the definition of the word cute, also the old definition of the word cute which is sharp as in smart and other things along that vein which i found very interesting but which i have yet to see how it is relevant to be honest.

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