Wednesday 8 January 2014

Contextual question 3

My previous question was “How strongly does Japanese culture leak into their unique animation known as anime?” well i think it was at least it was a bit ago i came up with it and a lot of ident stress and deadlines and all sorts has happened in that chunk between initial conception and now.

To be honest that previous question (if that was indeed the question i asked) has all but been answered, Very strongly is the answer. Just from this amount of research it is clear to see that anime and Japanese culture are linked intrinsically, and while you could argue that any thing made by a creator holds within it some remnant ideas from the culture they were raised in it seems anime/manga wasn’t just made as a “hey lets do some animation, how about in this style aye? pretty distinctive right?” it literally had it’s conception via a clash of cultures and i always find someone is most true and holding close their cultural ideals and ways when someone is challenging them.

So anime’s birth was during a time of people having their culture compared to and clashing with another creating a sort of cultural supercharge that was then channeled into the work and to this day that seems to of stayed true. Even in American made anime’s they still retain within them the cultural implications and visual shorthands of Japan almost like even though another culture is making that particular piece the Japanese culture is so strongly linked with the anime style and art form that it is almost impossible to separate the two.

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