Friday 31 January 2014

Specialist Researcher: unsung hero... and a little elusive

I found this on the site and it says that the specialist researcher while important is a bit of unsung hero and is only really required on big budget films. Unfortunatly that makes it rather hard to track down any specific ones seeing as they are a bit under the radar of the public eye despite their importance.

If you like exploring new territory, Specialist Researcher may be just the job for you. A good Researcher is an integral part of any production team – but when was the last time you watched an outstanding film and said to yourself ‘I really enjoyed that, I wonder who researched it?’.The Producer and Director play significant roles in shaping a film, which is why they tend to receive the awards and accolades. On the other hand, a good Specialist Researcher may just be the unsung hero of a well-crafted and thought-provoking feature film.

What skills does a Specialist Researcher need?

  • Curiosity and a resourceful approach to finding things out.
  • Highly organised, methodical approach to work with the ability to sort through information and determine which details are relevant and which are not.
  • The ability to be flexible and to adapt work quickly when requested.
  • Good communication skills and the ability to work as an individual as well as within a team.
Specialist Researchers work closely with the Production Designer, the Supervising Art Director, Art Director and Set Decorator as well as providing backup in the form of detailed research to the entire Art Department. This may involve anything from finding a visual reference to inspire a specific set, or sourcing details that enable the Draughtsmen to produce accurate technical drawings through to researching a specific craft or skill that might be needed to make a prop. Supported by the Specialist Researcher, it is the Production Designer’s job to ensure that every detail on set – which can range from the interior of an alien spaceship to the contents of a Victorian drawing room – is as authentic and believable as possible. On fantasy films, although the sets are often part of an imagined world, the references used to inspire the Production Designer’s ideas are researched and sourced from the real world. On historical epics or costume dramas, painstaking research into the smallest detail is crucial and, as well as on-line research, it can often take long periods of time spent in libraries, museums and other sources of information.
The Specialist Researchers’ work is highly focused and is only required on big budget films, usually historical epics or science fiction and fantasy productions. This role should not be confused with that of live-footage Researchers who work with any film or television clips and stock footage for use in films. Specialist Researchers spend much of their time meeting with and talking to curators, academics and other experts to gain as much insight into a particular subject as possible. They usually begin work in the very early stages of pre-production, providing the Production Designer with original source material which can inspire the entire approach to creating the look of a film.
Specialist Researchers work alongside the Draughtsmen in the drawing studio and are also responsible for keeping up-to-date, well organised files of all research materials. They are expert in finding unusual references and information from difficult-to-access sources. They are employed on the film from pre-production and filming, continuing to provide back-up support until the last day of principal photography.
Although there is no typical career route to becoming a Specialist Researcher, the job requires a certain resourcefulness as well as an extensive knowledge of how the Art Department works. This can be gained by already having working as an Assistant Art Director or Art Department Assistant.
A wide range of talents is crucial to survival. As a Specialist Researcher you will have a major impact on the story a film tells and will be assisting in communicating knowledge to a much wider audience.
Though a film researcher may not be recognised as much as other members of a production team, the best Producers understand the critical role a Researcher plays in the success of a film.

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