Tuesday 21 January 2014

Looking at Nine and its Human Nature messages

I just finished watching the film Nine (Pictured above) It was a very interesting film which i feel explored human nature in a very interesting way. The main premise of the film (If you want to watch the film I would advise to stop reading and watch it now because I'm going to be throwing out some serious spoilers)

The plot is an un-named scientist who created a sentient robot out of his own intelligence using o combination of science and because of a strange device that seem to literally put his intelligence into it a tad of magic i can only assume. He created it for progresses sake but he says that he didnt give it a soul it was easily manipulated by anyone who controlled it, inevitably people used it for war and violence sake and in the end it turned against us. This was all told in exposition via a recorded message but its not the hardest thing to discern. To remedy this he created nine little robot sack things he creatively named one, two, three four and so on in that fashion. He then split up his soul and put it into the nine sack things and tasked them with undoing his mistake and destroying the robot that he so long ago breathed life into.

As you can imagine, the splitting up of a persons soul into nine parts is a very good premise with which to make a situation where there are few people around and they are all very different personality types since they i'd imagine would all be different elements of the one person who they were created from.

A very interesting outcome of this was the character dynamics that emerged. For instance One was a controlling old man who wore a pope hat and a cape, he was clearly the ego centric controlling part of the scientists personality. He uses Eight (Who seems to be the stronger more violent one) as a pawn to control the others and give himself absolute power.

The main protagonist of the piece of course is Nine, I'm not sure exactly how to define Nine. Most of the characters in this while definitely being quite archetype aren't simple minded one emotioned automatons, despite being made out of only a segment of a soul they do seem to express full personalities but simply are much stronger lead by one particular part of their personality, I would say Nine is more representative of curiosity, considering it is his curiosity that both gets them into bad situations and gets them out of it too.

While that is all interesting and the interplay between the characters is an interesting study itself  on archetypes and their interaction with each other, the main look into human nature comes from the back story and its relationship to the overarching plot. In the back story as i said earlier in the post us humans took this pure creation and as we do used it for violence (As is unfortunately in our nature) and then that folly of our old propensity for violence and conflict thanks to our more primitive nature we got ourselves all killed. The main thing that the scientist wanted the nine parts of his soul to do was make up for his mistakes, they are in effect the new inhabitants of Earth here, they are the next stage of humanity and during the plot of the film they make up for their creator/their/their ancestors mistakes and come to a new level of understanding and have in effect overcome the more negative aspects of human nature and have emerged the new and improved human race, free of the old nature of violence and conflict being a constant need.

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