Wednesday 29 January 2014

Lightstream getting on with it

Bec recived an email from someone involved with the animated exeter lightstream, in short it said what we had been told on the day, but unfortunatly it said it in a more blunt way and didnt include any of the praise we had gotten. I don't know whether this was a matter of tact, as in they thought all this very blunty but just didnt want to say it to our faces and tried to soften the blow a bit via some praising on the day, or whether somone had explained to them what had happened with us and then they just typed down a more abridged version of what they heard obviously under the circumstances sounding more blunt with the information and not bothering to include the things that we didnt need to work on.

Either way Bec after reading the email was understandably worried due to the conflicting reports of how the test went. When we got back we said everythign was fine and we just had some stuff to work on, but from the email it seemed like a much more serious affair. This is no one's fault really just a natural hiccup that comes from multiple individuals perciving news and passing it on, chinese whisper style really.

The crew are working on the lightstream now, while also working on the other modules we have going, I am in the role of the editor, the most recent thing i have done to assist the production is to make the storyboard and animatic. Stop, i know what your thinking, why is the editor doing the storyboard? It was because the one i received was simply not suited to being put into an animatic so after informing the producer he tasked me with doing the re-do over the weekend (He didn't tell the storyboard artist to do it because she was not there that day) So i did that made the animatic and then on the monday i just did some quick retweeks of the storyboard i had done (as directed by... well b the director)

I have also been tasked with a bit of animation, specifically leaf growing animation. I looked up the concept art we had of the leaves so i knew the style and made sure to have a look at some reference videos of leaves growing. When i watched the videos i was surprised by the fact that leaves (well the ones i saw) just sort of got bigger and bigger until they reached there full mass, there wasn't as much unfolding as i had expected. (Maybe i was looking at the wrong sort of leaf though i suppose, its unreasonably hard to find leaf growing time lapses on YouTube i must say)

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