Tuesday 28 January 2014

Role Change... again

I have decided that PR Officer is not for me, well maybe not "not for me" but just not what i will focus on for the studio practice module. I am going to change my role focus too Researcher, I feel this role suits me and i do enjoy research most of the time, i am always a fan of learning new things, not so much on compiling them in an easy to understand and consistent manner granted but i can work on that. Oh and the multiple roles I have been looking at show my researching abilities, killing two birds with one stone aye.

I now have to make doubly sure that this is a role that I can do for this module, I know Pixar have an in house R&D department and i know that every animation company must need research done on places and people's and other things of that nature but I'm not entirely sure if that is a concrete role of its own. I suppose I will have to do some research to find out.

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