Wednesday 29 January 2014

Soundscape: Panic and Plan

Just realized i only have 6 days left until the soundscape project needs to be handed in yikes. I havnt even done any recording yet, though i have done a bit of animation for it and have a reasonable grasp on what i kind of want the soundscape to be like i still have yet to get physical with all this conceptual ideas.

The idea i have id a box where suddenly strange blue things snake into the box, they then smash the box open and reveal the outside. That is basically it, what i want to achive really is a nice interior wildtrack at first, and maybe a muffeled exterior sound, it would have to be a natural one so i would probably record that around my home somewhere. I was also thinking an interesting overlaying sound would be cars driving by but tone changed to make it sound more like an ambigious throbbing kind of sound. I'm not sure what sound the tendrils of blue will have, i will also need a sound that is the bashing down of the box walls, to figure that out i will need to know how they fall, or maybe i could experiment a bit with potential box wall falling down sounds, maybe be a bit creative test out some strange sounds for it.

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