Thursday 9 January 2014

Super Meat Boy soundscape

When i sat an tried to think of pieces of work that's soundscape i loved or at the very least liked the first thing that came to my mind was Shurlock Holmes, so I found a clip of a great scene for the sound.

I then sat there and thought "what other films has the soundscape ever struck me..." yeah i couldn't think of anything (Though writing this i just though of Fight Club and it's great soundscape so yeah I will probably blog about that next) So i then thought "What soundscapes out of all media have ever stuck in my mind and actually been a commanding thing in my memory of that product?" quickly i remembered Super Meat Boy, a fun eccentric game that's dark quirky nature is perfectly added to by the soundscape. I could hear the slop slop slop of the main characters run cycle anywhere and recognize it from this game.

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