Wednesday 12 February 2014

Lightstream Continued

The lightstream project has gone reasonably well. I have most definitely been much less involved with this than i was with the Animated Exeter Ident, though i was by no means not involved and i don't think people where quite as invested in this particular project as they where also focusing on doing stuff such as contextual and the soundscape project.

As i have said (I think) in previous posts my main job was anamatic and storyboarding. I also helped a bit with conceptual stuff as did most people. I did a spot of compositing as well to show how i thought the vines and flowers should interact, you see previously the vines grew completetly then the flowers grew and wilted and so did the leaves on the vines, then when the vines began to receed again no plants or anything of the sort where present. I over the weekedn then did a version of my own that had the plants and leaves grow in tandum to the vines and then stay until the vines began to receed, then all the plants and such wilted along with the vines. I personelly preffered that approach to the previous one. I helped with the naming of Billy's stand alone lightstream project as well, suggesting the name Realms which i believe is now the official name.

Overall it has gone well, and i will be exited to go up to Exeter this friday and help set up and get our lightstream projects up and projected.

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