Tuesday 18 February 2014

Lightstream the Experiance

My experience in Animated Exeter was good, I did a few work shops, went to a talk and it was overall a rewarding experience. But that is not what i made this post to discuss, I am here to discuss the Lightstream.

I didn't know how our production would be received, I had no idea what any of the other uni's had done for it, and unfortunately due to the fact that i was one of the projectionists for ours, I still don't actually know what any of them did. But what I do know is that our one seemed to go very well, there was lots of people looking at our projection as far as i could tell, contorting myself around the large projector to get a peek out down to the street.

Me an Toyin (the producer for the project) were stationed in a small upstairs room across from Tuckers Hall, the building which we would be projecting on. Some of our other colleges were stationed down on the street below, walking around talking to passers by about our Lightstream projections, and Animated Exeter in general. We were also joined by, to my surprise, two students from the Plymouth Uni. We were both sharing the wall space for our projections, I was quite pleasently suprised by this I must say. I had thought we would not get a chance to see any other projections but thanks to them I would at the very least be able to see one.

We ended up waiting for quite a while simply chatting with the other students for the techs to come and set up the projector and such. It was quite interesting talking to them about their course. Unfortunately as the time of projection speeded ever and ever closer seven o clock we had not seen heads nor tails of any techs. Toyin texted one of our ground team to see if they could find out what was going on and they texted back relaying that the techs had said they were working their way through the different projections. We took this as a sign to not worry too much about it assured they would get to us before the time was up

When the time was very near we realised we had not yet had any techs visit and were a tad worried. Toyin texted Kari (the person in charge) and then she very promptly sent a tech up to help. Despite a minute or two figuring out how to switch between our and the other students projection it went very well, and as far as i could tell us and Plymouth Uni managed to pull a reasonable crowd.

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