Monday 17 February 2014

Specialist reasercher, and more on Studio Practice

In looking for information about the specialist researcher role I'm thinking maybe it dosent quite apply to the studio practice module, i dont think it is quite an in house role that is a constant and specialist reaserchers are only really for big budget productions.

I'm going to be honest here I am so lost with the Studio Practice module, I mean not in every part of it. But in this looking for a role that is a spesific in house production company role that isn't a creative one and is with the manogorial side I am coming up with nothing.

I could come up with lots of stuff if i was simply to research these roles and be done with it, but then we have to act in those roles in I think a third year greenlit production, let me check that. The PCA website is not letting me in so i will just assume i am at least close in my guess but yeah, I am finding it really hard to find an in house role that is to do with the running of the studio that i feel i could then do in a production.

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