Friday 28 February 2014

Entrepreneurial practices begins

We have started a module called Entrepreneurial practices. The main point of this module is to network and get work for ourselves. When i first heard it i was really worried, I have never been good at going out and getting work for myself and back in the film course when we addressed this subject i was just as worried.

For the module we have to bring in a work contact and while i was panicking i managed to gather my thoughts and realised i do have a contact, I have a contact in the American freelance writing world, my mum. Granted not the biggest out of the comfort zone experience but I am not suggesting getting work from her, I am thinking maybe her fellow writers would potentially pay for an animated book trailer. I remember my mum saying that lots of writers like them and them being self published authors mean it can be hard for them to find certain things such as animators who can make them book trailers.

I can also use the stock book covers i have made as a way into their circles, I could maybe even do package things where i do drawn book covers and animated trailers to go along with them.

I am also currently doing story boarding for a third year film production called Nosy Neighbors. The story boarding has taken a few days of work and i still have a few more panels left to do which i think are studio based ones, but most of the story boarding i have done.

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