Friday 7 March 2014

Investigation into the book trailers, and more possibilities

I looked at the authors that i could get in contact with about animated book trailers and also gave some thought to what book trailers would i like to make and who from our mini studio would wish to join me.

In my mothers writing circles she knows a variety of authors, not a massive amount considering her books have always been in the romance genre and sub-genres within that but she did know one dark fantasy author J. Thorn who when looking at his stuff i though i could definitely enjoy making something for one of his books.

But alternativly while searching through authors via a bit of remembering work i had done in the past for outside clients in the film course I ended up thinking abouta hedgehog charity i had started a project for before, and possibiliteis for animated adverts to go on youtube and such for local animal charities that may want it, such as Woodside.

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