Thursday 13 March 2014

Third year green light Productions

I have had quite the hard time with getting onto a third year green light production. At first (and still i suppose) I was in Lauren's third year production as an editor, I was given the role by Jordan who was her producer for the green light project. While i was very interested in the production it seemed i was given no work and hadn't managed to get hold of anything with which to make an animatic of and was most definitely not in the loop. Unfortunately Jordan was also having trouble getting hold of her and it seemed she was very unwilling to let anyone in.

I have also helped a tad with some storyboarding on Lucinda's project, at first i did some looking over the storyboard, talking through it with her and giving her some notes that i thought could help improve her project. Later I also did some drawings for her revised storyboard.

Me and Jordan wished to practice some 3D animation and Lucinda said we could play around with some of her rigged models she made for practice. I was exited about the idea of a bit of 3D practice as i had never done any before. When the time came that she had finished the models though, she seemed under the impression that me and Jordan had volunteered to do animation for her production. This idea scared me greatly because i had never done any 3D animation before and really didn't want to spoil her project with substandard animation. She then later on did limit what i had to do, so now i only have to do a single shot with a head movement, which i feel is much more my speed really given my beginner status.

Due to the fact that the communication with the project leader with Lauren's project and the fact that i was not getting anything to do from it, Toyin savied in and tossed me a bone asking if i wanted to be the editor for Donna's project, of which he was producer. I was extremely happy with this because i had not managed to get much work in a third year project other than that, apart from a few panels of storyboard drawing.

I feel Donna's project is much easier to work on because she is a much more reachable and approachable project leader. When i need information when doing the live edit i can simply go up and ask her my query, which is very helpful.

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