Monday 5 May 2014

Inspiration Research

I really like this short animated film. I feel the musical style and comedy at the beginning work very well, i feel like having something like that in my FMP could be a good idea. Some sort of constant musical track going over the top and tying everything together so it almost seems like a big spoken word poem/song. Definitely something to think about. Also unrelated to my FMP the fight scene around the end is extraordinarily cool, very impressive how they made an engaging fight sequence without really showing anything.
This film has a nice rhyming narration similar to how i would like to do it. While in this film that characters don't speak in my FMP i would like them to speak but i think i will have it so all the voices are done by the narrator but obviously he does voices for them so its quite story book style almost. Also i liked the sketchy art style they had in the beginning and was actually a tad disappointed when it went to full 3D. Also on a personnel note, this films moral lesson seems to be never let your guard down and let someone in emotionally or they will hurt you... I don't think i really agree with that but still i liked the animation despite the message seeming a bit odd to me.
This animation is done on much more of a flat plane, cut out style similar to the animated exeter ident i was the editor for. It also has a score as aposed to any narration or dialogue from the characters aided by the character expressions and movements to show what the emotion of the scene is. Seeing this has made me definitely sure the cutout approach is not what i want to go with for my FMP. Not because it looks bad or anything of that sort, just because while it fits this piece rather well i feel it wouldn't quite gel with what i want to do. I was quite impressed with the amount of expression they got out of side on silhouettes and i have to always remember to keep in mind strong emotional poses.
I really like the way in this film they really show how sometimes the simplest things are the most effective. All this person needed was five characters and a box on a big balanced platform to make an engaging and rather dramatic story. Also i feel this piece really does a good job with the poses to get the right emotion witch characters with very little to tell one from the other. This doesn't really have a lot to do with my FMP idea but it has so charmed me i really felt i should put it in. I will keep this simple ideas are sometimes the best idea in mind when coming up with the finer points of what will happen story wise in my FMP.

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