Wednesday 21 May 2014

Pineapple Head Design 2

 These are some colour designs for the Pineapple head who the protagonist will talk to. I am quite happy with the colours of the Pineapple and i toyed with changing the skin colour to a more ridiculous hue, but i don't want to make the pineapple heads look alien because that could impede the message somewhat, i just want them to appear a bit weird.
 As you can see I tried two different sorts of clothing choice. One is a bit inspired by the film the Island with Ewan McGregor and the other is actually a tad inspired by a picture of my girlfriends brother wearing one of their mums coats.
 This one is a bit odd and just came out when i was switching between the two after they were both done. I felt it had an interesting look to it and could be potential clothing for the main pineapple head.

This is just a little sketch i did of the pineapple head in a similar style to the sketchy version i did of the main character Jason.

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