Monday 5 May 2014

Looking into the source of 'Normal'

I have been looking into the message I am going to purvey with my FMP trying to find other films or animations that have been based on the same message and also general articles and such about questioning what is normal and questioning what normal actually is in general.

I haven't found any films as of yet which deal with that subject matter but i have found some interesting articles to do with it, mostly on psychology sites and places of that ilk.

Quite a few of the articles are to do with mental health, and while they are interesting they don't quite cover what i am going for. They were more exploring mental conditions, whereas what i am looking for is more the communal, society norms that we just accept despite them not being natural and sometimes not making a whole lot of sense. This article was a really good one, it addressed exactly what i am trying to confront, explaining about how the idea of normal comes about. Granted it doesn't challenge normal or have any particular message urging you to sit back and consider what your normal is and why it is, but it still does address very interesting points about our social normal and how we end up making those connections.

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