Tuesday 13 May 2014

Protagonist Design Ideas

The first thing i wanted to design was the face of the protagonist, I felt the body would be rather similar to the pineapple man design but the face needed to show what i wanted to express with the character.

I felt the short hair would work to be the most normal style of hair making him look like a person who is quite normal. Him being reasonably normal in his usual life is important to maybe at the end give him a bit of reflection on what he thinks is normal. Maybe the pineapple head could question what he thinks is normal as he did to the pineapple head, that could be good.

I tried a few styles here, on a bit more rounded cartooney, another a little more anime/Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker inspired with a stronger jaw and the third is a bit of a combination having big cartooney eyes but a bit more of a normal proportioned face.

I'm still mulling over which design I prefer. I also have to think of what clothes i feel will work best for the character. I have to keep in mind the idea of simplicity when designing the clothes, I'm thinking maybe a collard shirt maybe giving him a going to a day job feel, a little Shaun of the Dead style.

I sketched up versions of them in a work shirt, i realise the second designs left arm could be a little longer but i can just deal with that if i draw him again. I think the work shirt could work well, it looks a little bit polo'y in picture 2 but for the more rounded style of the character look i think it works. While i like the shirt in the first picture i feel the long sleeves don't work where the character is concerned and also it is a bit too ruffled and crumpled looking to fit in with the more cartooney style i think.

I am still not sure which design i prefer, they both have their ups and downs. I feel design two looks a little more cynical whereas number one has more of a blank confusion look to him. there are points about both that i like but i think my personal choice is design two.

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