Monday 19 May 2014

Protagonist Design 2

These first two pictures i experimented with shading a bit. As you can see in the first one i focused more on the light illuminating parts of the picture, whereas in the second i focused more on the shadows on him. I do like some of the bits of the first one such as the hair and collar but the second one i prefer overall. Though i feel maybe trying to make the shadow a tad lighter and also do some on the hair as well.

For these two I changed his shirt colour to see which one would work best. While the white works better for a fancy shirt the sort of shirt i am going for is more the sort of shirt either you could wear normally or you would wear if you were working for somewhere like BnQ. In my eyes the green shirt seems more like something you could wear casually, whereas the original light blue is more work shirt style. I don't know which one i prefer though.

 For these two i did a bit of experimentation with the skin colour of Jason. The first was a more yellow tint to his skin, and the second i just sucked all colour out. I don't think the absence of colour works looking at it, the fact that it matched his eyes puts me off a tad. While i do like the yellow and also looking at it makes me question if the normal skin colour i have done is too dark, i feel that trying to give Jason a normal skin colour will make him more normal looking to suit the character. Though a slightly yellowy hue could be used for the pineapple heads, though that could clash with their pineapples.

This is an alternate style for Jason i drew, What gave me the idea for it was when i was colouring in the normal Jason's hair and used a scribbley style for his fringe. I opened a new photoshop file to try and do his hair all in that scribbley style and ended up coming out with this version of him. It has kind of charmed me actually, this style being the final way I do the piece isn't out of the question.

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