Tuesday 15 April 2014

Tree of Life idea research

This first tree is what i was really thinking of style wise and shape of tree and that sort of thing when i first thought to the tree of life idea. Then seeing scenes from history and stuff of that sort being played out in its branches. either via the branches shaping and modelling to show them or maybe the things actually happening in the branches themselves as if what was going on was tiny and in the tree.

Though looking through i found these two images which are a bit of a different style, the first being like a stain glass window the other more like a painting and the got me thinking of what drawing style will the tree be. Granted at initial conception the style was very much that of the first picture but other styles could be good. Though i am not super confident in my drawing ability really and if something ends up being stylised from what I've drawn it can sometimes be an accident as apposed to by design.

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