Tuesday 29 April 2014

Ideas for the project from the Sneeches and the Zacks

This is the Dr Suess piece that really inspired my final major project idea. This animation has long been a favourite of mine and its specific message is one that throughout my life i have believed in strongly. The particular message of the Sneeches on the Beaches is quite related to the one i plan to convey with my piece.
In this other Dr Suess animation, I enjoyed the way it was being told very much as a story, with the narrator also doing the voices for the characters. I found it interesting that despite the fact that you can clearly tell the character voices are done by the narrator, it really doesn't pull you out of the story. The simple addition of the movement of the characters mouths and the fact that they are clearly the ones talking makes it pretty much not matter that the narrator is doing the voices. I feel this is something i could use in my piece as i would like to conjure up a bit of a storybook feel similar to these Dr Suess animations.

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