Monday 28 April 2014

The buds of an idea

I thought for a while to figure out which of the multiple ideas i had i should carry on with. Lots of them had their good points and each one had a reason i would personally want to make it, but i needed a piece that would work well in a short film whereas some were probably more suited to longer films or different mediums all together. I also had to make sure the piece would be full and self contained, one of my ideas was simply a scene from a short story i wrote so while i personally liked it and would like to animate that work at some point, i felt that being just a scene from a whole story would mean it left things potentially feeling unresolved and also being just one scene from the piece would mean the characters would not be introduced in said scene.
I was also thinking i should make something that would have... I'm not sure how you say. Well something that would work in an animation festival if you know what i mean, something that has the right feel.
So i have focused on the doctor Suess idea i had but have changed it a tad. The idea for the name i had for it changed but the concept i originally had in mind is still intact. The current version i had in mind involves a man (The protagonist) leaving his house or wherever he happens to be to find that everyone has pineapples on their heads and are doing a series of odd things, only to find that these things were supposedly normal despite the fact that he saw them for the ridiculous crazy things they are. The aim of the film is to try and make people question the things they consider normal.

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