Monday 28 April 2014

Dissertation Topic Ideas

When being told about our dissitation i had an idea on what i could potentially do, I noted it down and this is what i wrote.
"Building Blocks: The Fantasy Shared Universe (Writing on the shared sources so many fantasy authors/filmmakers use and how Tolkien was not really the father of modern fantasy but was instead more a particularly famous child of the same sources as everyone else) eg. wild hunt (Dresden Files, Witcher) Ceiley and uncealy courts (Magic Knot Series, Dresden Files) (Supernatural, Lord of the Rings) Thalmetergy (Patrick Rothfuss books, Dresden Files)"
I discussed with my mum about this potential idea and the conversation drifted to celtic mythology and its prevalence in so many fantasy ideas and despite that its complete disregard in the modern eye. We realised the reason why no one acknowledged the mythology being used as Celtic. Because of Tolkien. He heavily drew from Celtic myth and due to that whenever anyone draws from Celtic stuff everyone assumes they are simply copying Tolkien's ideas.
So I thought about that idea for a bit but then some discussion of a recent fantasy series that caught my fancy The Witcher (which is Polish in origin) my mum mused on how original some of the ideas in it were. We discussed how it could be a cultural thing and how it was odd that sort of thing wasn't covered more. My mum pitched the idea of doing a dissertation on the more unknown myths throughout the world and compiling them and maybe discussing why they are more ignored by the main western media than other more prevalent mythos such as Egyptian, Greek and Norse.

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