Monday 31 March 2014

Research and Development: Initial Ideas

My first idea for my third year project is taking a scene from a short fantasy novelette i wrote called The Reluctant Hero. I would probably want to do this in 2D animation i think. While this would be fun for me and hopefully for others it could potentially be a bit bad as it would not be a complete story and would only be a scene from an overarching plot, so could potentially not make for a perfect final major project.

I have another idea which involves the Tree of Life. It would be a visual animation where the narrative would be a suggested more abstract thing, much more of a spectacle style as apposed to hero's journey style. The animation would involve a tree (the Tree of Life) sprouting and then over its growth showing different bits of history starting with things to do with dinosaurs then early man then so on and so forth until the tree withers (could use the fact that the tree looks a bit like a mushroom cloud as a thing) then after it withers and dies the animation would end with a sapling sprouting.

This next idea actually came to me as a potential for a computer game. In my idea as a game it would be an RPG where the player character would be a person who loves the mexican wrestling Luchador. They end up via a series of events being transported to a Lucha world (partially inspired by an old animation i used to watch as a child) The player character while being a normal person there love of Luchador, there fighting spirit and a fun cast of characters would help them rise to the top and maybe even topple some sort of dark lord of Luchador. The game would be a funny game with a distinctive cartoon'y art style. I realised this idea could also be adapted into an animation of sorts maybe being a trailer style thing for that concept or maybe almost an intro to it as if it were a show, either way it would be 2D and probably be an exaggerated cartoon'y art style as i had imagined the game.

The next idea on my mind is a spin off of a show idea me and another student had developed. This animation would also be 2D and has a distinctive cartoon'y style and the actual animation itself would take place in the multiverse that is policed by the DPD (Dimensional Police Department) the story would take place separate from the actual show idea (which centers around the DPD) but could include them and maybe include other characters we have fleshed out. Maybe even a prequel short of the character relationships before the time frame of the show.

This idea is much more of a concept that i have yet to develop or know if i wish to develop it. In fact it simply came from me thinking the phrase time flies. That then got me thinking that the phrase time flies would be a great name for a short or show about a pair of time traveling flies.

This idea is one i cooked up a few years ago that i have been itching to use for something, my idea for it could be a bit too big to do in a short animation though. The idea is of multiple cliche protagonists from popular genre movies all converging in a diner. (characters such as grizzled ex cop turned private detective, comically inept loverboy, alien abductee escaping from the aliens and now questioning everything they once knew, sports person who is rising up to try and defeat their rivel in a series of montage fueled training sessions, etc) then half way through all their "separate films" something shocking happens, maybe a robber bursts in and holds them all at gun point, maybe there is some sort of world ending cataclysm and all their stories are interrupted.

This idea came from something i like to do, and it is titled I Looked up in the sky: A brief trek outside a box. It would be a more visual piece though could really go any way. It would be a story of someone going around in town doing unusual things and noticing that no one pays any attention, and tries to question what is normal and what normal even means. I see it animated in a slightly Doctor Suess esq style.

Here is an idea that was actually inspired by another short 3D animation. The idea is of someone in some really seemingly interesting job who has lost all pleasure in it and it would probably be a brief story of them refinding their interest in their job. It would be called Just a day Job and the job they would be doing would be either some sort of space ship pilot or super hero or something that most people would consider a very exiting job.

Another idea i have is one that i have already written a script for and initially came to me in a burst of random animation thought seemingly. It is a simple animation with a fatherly kids show esq voice over about a ball who wants to fly. It seems rather innocent and nice but a strange crow ends up interrupting the normal flow of the story via attacking and driving away all the supporting characters and eventually attacking (and seemingly murdering) the voice over. the characters would be 2D but i think all the backgrounds would be modeled in 3D, similar to the Amazing Adventures of Gumball (i think that's what its called) on cartoon network.

Also when reading through old mythology with my girlfreind (she has a lot of old mythology books) i came across a few odd stories that i thought would suit for a short animation, that however needs further exploration as of yet.

Friday 21 March 2014

The meeting with the Client

The video meeting with James Thorn went well. I had gotten questions from the crew to ask him and had many of my own, mostly concerning deadlines and animation/story style. What he said was mostly in the vein of do whatever really, he wanted us to have as much creative freedom as possible. Though he did mention how deadlines are important in creative things and absence of one would potentially create slow production and languishing, but he put that up to me and the team to decide on the style and then put up a reasonable deadline which he would hold us to, to make sure the work flow kept up a steady pace.

Other than that i discussed the story with him and also asked about the main characters appearance which is something one of the crew was interested in.

Communicating with the Client (J Thorn)

J. Thorn

To: pete taylo

Picture of J. Thorn
No problem. I'll send a contact request and be ready in an hour ;)
To: J. Thorn

Hi James,

I had a bit of trouble with skype, i dont use it much and it was a bit screwy. long story short my new skype name is pete_taylo the skype call at 11 is still on though just a few technical hiccups.

J. Thorn

To: pete taylo

Picture of J. Thorn
No prob. Just sent you a contact request in Skype. You can video call me at 11:00 and I'll be ready to answer any questions you have. Looking forward to it!

pete taylo
To: James Thorn

My Skype name is pete taylo.
Sorry it has taken me a while to reply, at first i did not know my skype name and had some trouble logging in, now have had a bit of trouble with conflicting deadlines and jobs. 11 am eastern time, which is 4 pm where i am.

James Thorn

To: pete taylo

Picture of James Thorn
Sounds great! 11:00 a.m. Eastern time. What is your Skype username?

pete taylo
To: J. Thorn

How about we do a skype chat on Friday to make sure all the crew understand what you want and so they can ask any questions that come up face to face?

They should all be in college that day, we could contact you around 11 if that is good for you. And don't worry i have taken the time difference into account so we wont end up calling you in the early hours of the morning thinking its 11 haha

J. Thorn

To: pete taylo

Picture of J. Thorn
If you're all in class together, we'd just need one of you to Skype me and you can all gather around the computer. Or we could do a phone call. I think it'd be easier for me to give the synopsis that way, but I wrote a quick something below.

I agree. Having check-in points would keep you guys going in the right direction.

Quick overview of book 1 (with spoilers):
The main character, Samuel, falls to the ground from a noose in a strange forest. He can’t remember how he got there and he doesn’t know where he is. It turns out he’s in a kind of purgatory (called a reversion), after death and before rebirth. He meets other characters and all of their fates are tied together in some way that unfolds with the story. A dark cloud is slowly moving across the land, eating the world and so Samuel has to do something but he doesn’t know what or how and yet the cloud keeps coming. He ends up getting to the peak where he will either get released from the reversion or have to try again. The Great Cycle (God?) won’t let him out until he redeems himself. Well, Samuel doesn’t and the book ends with him going through a portal and the story begins again in the second book of the series.

pete taylo
To: James Thorn

I cant get hold of them too easily outside of college unfortunately. That is a good idea though, I will get everyone's skype names and stuff tomorrow in college.

 A good summary would be a good thing we could consult back to though so if we could get one of those but then do group skype chats throughout the production. For instance we wont do any animation until after we have done a storyboard and concept art so at that point for instance we could send you those things and then make sure your happy with the direction were going. We wouldn't want to work for ages making an animation just to make something that you weren't happy with or you felt didn't represent what you wanted to get across with the trailer.

James Thorn

To: pete taylo

Picture of James Thorn
Sure.  I can do that tonight. Would it help if I Skyped or did a Google Hangout with your team?

pete taylo
To: J. Thorn

Yeah that seem's like a good direction to go in. Would you send me an in depthish summary of the plot. Something i can send to the rest of the crew so they can get a feel of the book and its key plot points and such?

J. Thorn

To: pete taylo

Picture of J. Thorn
1 attachment (25.9 KB)
Chapter 1.docx
Sure. I would suggest the first chapter (attached) or some portion of it. You could make the scene very creepy, dark. I don't know if you've ever seen Sin City ( but that's the kind of feel it should have. Very dark.

The key element would be showing Samuel falling from the noose and being in a world that is empty, desolate, and dark and he has no idea what's going on.

What do you think?

pete taylo
To: J. Thorn

Hey James.

It would be very helpful if you had a brief of what exactly you wanted us to show people with this book trailer. Maybe you want a specific segment of the book such as an opening monologue included, perhaps you have an idea of a certain style that you have seen and would like us to work in the vein of. Generally just an idea of what you want from the trailer, and how to really make something that you and potential readers will like.

All the best,

J. Thorn

To: pete taylo

Picture of J. Thorn
1 attachment (575.3 KB)
Here's a link to the book on Amazon:

Here's a short synopsis:
With a noose around his neck, Samuel arrives in a forest littered with caution tape and artifacts of the deceased. He struggles to regain his memory while fending off a pack of wolves and the mysterious visitors who seem to know more about this dying world than he does. Major, Kole, and Mara, new companions also trapped in the strange locality, realize they must outrun the ominous cloud eating away at reality. As their world collapses upon itself, Samuel must find a way to escape the Reversion.

Here's a blurb by one of the best horror writers today, Scott Nicholson:
"This is a great start for what promises to be an engaging, intense series."

Here's a one-minute video of me explaining the book for AuthorTales:

I've also attached the cover.

I'll provide you guys with whatever you need ;)

pete taylo
To: J. Thorn

Thanks for the quick response, great to hear your interested.

To start with it would be great to get a synopsis of the book you want a trailer for and an idea of what you want in the trailer i.e. segments of story, characters etc. Then we can work from there.

All the best,

J. Thorn

To: pete taylo

Picture of J. Thorn
I am definitely interested! Your work looks exciting.

I would be happy to provide you with anything you need, including free ebooks for your team.


pete taylo
Outlook Active View
Showreel 2014
Added on 15/03/2014
Dear J. Thorn

I am emailing to see if you are interested in having an animated book trailer for one of your books. I have a university studio of a few students with a complement of modern software and gear for animation.

Here is a link to my personal showreel "Link". I and other students in the studio have worked on professional briefs such as the Animated Exeter ident and Lightstream event.

If you are interested or have any questions please contact me and we can discuss this further.

Kind regards,

Peter Taylor